Liz kicked things off with a heartfelt reading of a poem by Lucille Clifton I think. Lucille, who was often in residence in Columbia, passed away last week. I admit that I wasn’t really paying much attention at that point. I was more interested in who was there.
I sat just behind Maryann Maher, one of the Demcratic challengers for a District 9A House of Delegates seat. That seat is currently held by Republicans Warren Miller and Gail Bates. Marianne was sitting next to Angie Beltram. I guess those two are buddies. Marrianne said she hadn’t heard of Tales of Two Cities so I gave her a card with the website URL.
Councilperson Mary Kay Sigaty sat to my left, listening and working her blackberry. There was a little drama at the end of the question and answer period too. Liz didn’t see Mary Kays hand raised for a question and was about to cut off questions before Ann, her legislative aide, intervened. Mary Kay didn’t really have a question though, she just wanted everyone to know about Plan Maryland.
At one point, Liz took a break from questions and introduced Kelly, Kim, Jeff and Davey, a foursome of twentysomethings about to embark on an adventure to help the environment. They have formed an organization called Pick Up America, “a walking adventure to pick up trash around the country and inspire a transition to a zero-waste economy.”
That was pretty cool.
One of the last questions came from an audience member who wanted to know where Liz was on medical marijuana. She first replied that she really “had no opinion on medical marijuana” but then concluded by saying “with her heart she likes the idea.”
It’s a shame no one asked her whether she or Lloyd ever smoked marijuana.
Liz wrapped up the evening with another poem, I think. By this time I was at the door talking to Jon Weinstein, the other Democratic challenger for District 9A. It turns out that we’re neighbors, but then again, aren’t we all?
One of the last questions came from an audience member who wanted to know where Liz was on medical marijuana. She first replied that she really “had no opinion on medical marijuana” but then concluded by saying “with her heart she likes the idea.”
It’s a shame no one asked her whether she or Lloyd ever smoked marijuana.
Liz wrapped up the evening with another poem, I think. By this time I was at the door talking to Jon Weinstein, the other Democratic challenger for District 9A. It turns out that we’re neighbors, but then again, aren’t we all?
I can't stand it.
Liz and Lloyd on maryjane?
Bah Humbug.
They probably have a cellar filled with pots growing garlic.
I find their attitudes to be anti anything except status quo. They are difficult to be around. Liz will be voted out of office for doing nothing worthwhile or her constituents will leave Howard County, move to Florida and leave her without enough votes to stay in office. Her days are numbered. Who is going to take her office? It's time we had a change.
Thanks for all of your work on this post, WB. Nice job!
I'm all for moving to Florida.
Full disclosure: I'm not from here, and plan on moving on, although I like my neighbors, my neighborhood, and have been invested in HoCo since 1991.
WB, I enjoyed this post--very witty and ascerbic in your observations. Thanks for attending and reporting.
I'm posting as anon because it's just so much more easier than actually logging in and going through the rigamarole.
Keep up the good work.
BTW, your photos are priceless. Let me know when the next meeting is, and maybe we can do some videos for youtube.
To answer the question of who will take her office, it will be me. It is pretty clear that Liz Bobo is out of touch with her constituents and it is time for a change. Check out my campaign website,
As much as I dislike Bobo, I'd never vote for this guy Bailey.
John's not afraid to take solid positions on controversial issues. That alone merits appreciation. It is a rare characteristic in today's politics.
whoa, there. Supporting power is hardly controversial. Bailey lost when he endorsed the plan to bleed county taxpayers by approving the circus that is now GGP->New Owner->15,000 more residents in downtown in the next 5 years.
Liz is one of two incumbents that actually represents her constituency.
I'm so glad to see the person who would never vote for John Bailey identify why - his support of downtown redevelopment plan. To that writer: You should be voting for Liz if you feel that strongly. She is the only elected official in HoCo who has chosen to ignore the Economic Development Authority report, the County's Fiscal Impact Report, every economist and every planning expert, all of which have shown through facts, data and experience that this plan is a windfall for the County, the State and CA. If you prefer elected officials who ignore all experts and choose a path that serves their own selfish interests and stifles the opportunities of their constituents, she's your gal. While Liz is hosting the referrendum crowd in her home for stragey sessions then getting up in front of people and lying that she doesn't support it, John Bailey is out being honest and forthright. He is a thoughtful, young, energetic public school teacher who grew up in Columbia and, despite being under the age of 60, has chosen to raise his own family in the heart of Hickory Ridge. If you prefer an elected official who is out of step with her constituency and becomes more marginalized every day in both HoCo and Annapolis, that's your right, but to demonize someone of John Bailey's charachter and credibility marginalizes you as well.
Go get 'em John! Del. Bobo represents much of what's wrong in Annapolis and it's time for a big change!
Video from the meeting is online, thanks to HoCoMoJo.
HoCoRising supporting a republican--shocking! Name ANY solid positions your other candidates have taken this year.
Who cares who else HoCo Rising is supporting. This conversation is about John Bailey. Can't you argue that on its metits instead of immediately moving on to discredit the source of the post? Of course not. Looks like 2-3 poeple with no actual arguments and nothing but attacks are on this site too. If you want to send Liz Bobo to retirement, join John Baliey's campaign. Take the time to meet him and you'll see him to be far more in touch with what's important to you that Liz.
Look, the only charade is the pretension of neutral unbiased posting, reporting, etc. I will say that other candidates I have supported/promoted/noted etc., have actually taken heat for the positions they have. I will encourage you to take the time to click over to their sites, read their blogs, and make your own decisions.
No one from the blue camps has ever contacted me or returned my e-mails. I don't think it is fair for me to not to pontificate on their positions without the interplay that I have with the GOP slate.
So don't get fussy with me you big tough Anonymous poster, you! And as the follow-up post said, who cares who I support anyway.
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