Most blogs that are identified as political blogs tend to take a well defined ideological approach to their postings. They are typically aligned with either the Democratic Party or Republican and a few align themselves with the Libertarians.
I don’t consider myself any of the above but since winning the Mobbie for Best Political Blog, I’ve become a little more sensitized to these labels. Whenever I write something that takes a shot at a Republican, some commenter’s label me as Democrat. Whenever I write a post about growth and development other commenter’s label me as a Republican.
My politics are really quite simple. I am one of the approximately 35,000 residents of Howard County who list themselves as Independent or Unaffiliated. I also happen to be decidedly pro business and I’m more attracted to the common sense approach to politics espoused by former county executive, Chuck Ecker, who just happens to be a Republican.
I have voted for and supported members of both parties whom I believe come closest to that ideal. For example, in the last statewide elections, I voted for former Republican governor Bob Ehrlich and for current Democratic county executive Ken Ulman.
I strive to be an equal opportunity offender.
Monday, Monday
13 hours ago
I have to admit, I voted for Erhlich and Ulman, too, although, in retrospect, I wish I could withdraw the Ulman vote.
I also voted for Ron Paul in the Repub primary and Bob B. in the general election. Remember, there's never been a president named "Bob", so, hey, I felt honor bound to vote for him. I advise you to do the same: put a Bob in office!
Please do not pass yourself off as an objective party, WB. Intelligent readers aren't buying.
As was stated on an earlier thread:
..the blog host would like to present himself as unbiased. WHOA, never ever a reality. He's intensely biased, but he's inner circle Chamber biased, the most dangerous kind of bias, the bias toward power and influence.
Anon 12:07 PM
The truly "intelligent readers" of this blog know that I'm not even a member of the Chamber of Commerce.
It's kind of hard to be in the inner circle of something if you're not even in the outer circle.
Do you not write a column for a pro-business paper? Seems the Chamber would be highly supportive of that sort of news outlet.
Funny - I don't quite get how you viewed sleazy rat-boy Ulman as better for business, or a more business friendly candidate, than Merdon.
I'd love to hear the rationale behind that vote.
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