It looks like
Warren Miller and
Gail Bates will have a Democratic challenger for one of the House of Delegates seats in
Legislative District 9A.
Jon Weinstein, a resident of Ellicott City and founder of
Line of Sight, a management consulting firm, has officially tossed his hat in the ring.
Actually he tossed his hat in the ring some time ago but I just found out about it. Oh well, better
late than never as they say.
Judging from Warren Millers recent attempt to
stifle consumer choice in Howard County, I’m glad we’ll at least have a choice next November.
Maybe. What is Weinstein's opinion on the liquor license bill? It seems to be supported by both parties.
I happen to know Jon well - his background is in increasing government efficiency through better management. I like the idea of putting someone in Annapolis who knows how to get things done. He'd get my vote (if I lived in his district).
Jon is eminantly qualified to represent his district in the House of Delegates. In fact, he is exactly what is needed. His strength, besides his background and intelligence, is his desire to consider the needs of his constituents first instead of aligning himself to Party dogma. In other words, Jon Winstein cares more about people than idelology. He would serve his district well at a time when such solid, thoughtful representation is essential.
Jon had better worry about His primary against Maryann Maher and Rich Corkran. He's trying so hard not to be a Democrat He might not get to the General Election!
The Dems are fortunate to have a candidate like Jon. Dems will vote for him because he has relevant professional credentials and provides a viable alternative the the incumbents. Republicans will consider voting for him because he's a business owner and a moderate. Informed voters are likely to chose Jon because he'll be able to work within the house structure, where Bates and Miller have opted to "just say no".
Speaking of party ideology, how does Jon plan to get things done in Annapolis when the majority party leaders will expect him to just go along with the party vote. Considering some of Jon's public statements about his opponents, Jon sounds like another party hack. We need that like we need another tax!
Anon 9:51, exactly. Jon hasn't been elected to anything yet, and he's already a part of the party insider circle!
It'll be interesting to see how much his close affiliation with Ulman will serve or hurt him.
Compared with Bates, Weinstein wouldn't have a chance in that district, but someone will will over Miller. It's more a matter of which one.
Maher is interested in serving constituents and Corkran has the spine needed to oppose the powerful insiders, neither of which Weinstein has exhibited.
Previous anons... Not sure I agree on your assessments. Weinstein has a few advantages over all the other candidates - Dem or Rep. He owns a business and knows the pressures of meeting a payroll. He has been published many times, including his own book, on management in the government. He has served his country as an Army officer. While Bates may seem unbeatable, I agree Miller is vulnerable and Weinstein stacks up best against him. As for the other Dem challengers, if they're serious, why haven't they filed? Neither has the leadership experience or the independence that Weinstein brings to the campaign.
Weinstein is far from independent. He is inner inner circle, not representative of constituents and not interested in anything but powerful people.
Look at who he chooses to associate with, look at what he actually does, not what he says.
Jon is Ken Ulman's hand picked guy, if that's not being an "insider" I don't know what is? He's a big supporter of the boondoggle know as Healthy Howard, He would support a single payer Health care system in a heartbeat! Democrats are never, ever about increasing government efficiency's, they just increase the size of government and waste!
Well reasonable dialogue has been hijacked by a lack of facts. Anons 6:51 and 11:16 clearly are stuck on a party script and agenda of their own and haven't sited any actual fact. Fact is Weinstein has significant professional experience in working to improve government performance, including authoring a book on the subject that's due out soon. Don't confuse support by respected elected officials as being an insider. 9A currenlty has two delegates that only tow the party line. Weinstein would be a welcomed change.
Talk about hijacking facts! I'm unaffiliated, not towing any party line anon 4:15. Obviously you see the whole world as towing the party line because that is precisely what you are guilty of doing. You know no other way.
If you all insist on using a cliche, at least do it right. It is "TOE-ing" the line. Not "towing". Although the saying has marine roots, it is not by way of tugboating.
While we're at it, let's talk about people saying 'I could care less' when what they really mean is "I couldN'T care less".
Jon would be an effective representive for district 9a. He lives and works in the district and is not a party hack. He has support within the party because they know that he is better that the alternative candidates. We need a delegate to represent the east as well as the west of district 9A.
Jon is a party hack just like the rest of the candidates from both parties. No one who is anything other than a Democratic party hack can possibly want to replicate Healthy Howard in other counties as Jon wants to do.
And so what that the lives in the district? So does every other 9A candidate. That is a REQUIREMENT to run. C'mon.
As a registered Republican for nearly 24 years now, and a 16 year resident of Ellicott City, I’ve never been as put-off by the Party as I am these days. The kind of Republicanism that I fell in love with during the Reagan years seems to have completely been hijacked by the new national Republican establishment, not to mention the clueless Maryland Republican Party. I can count the number of times I’ve voted for a Democrat on one hand, and I’m not sure that’ll change anytime soon. However, it’s a shame that as a Republican in 9A my only options as a Republican are Warren Miller and Gail Bates. Living in the eastern section of the district, it’s interesting to me that we haven’t heard a lick from Miller or Bates at all until election time rolls around. I don’t know what kind of representation that is, but it’s not cutting it for me anymore. I don’t have an opinion on Jon Weinstein, but I know I don’t have an issue with any democrat who’s getting flack for not being liberal en
ough. I’m not counting him out-I want to hear more…
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