Last month, at the end of this post about Paul Kendall and his lawsuit against the county and the Board of Elections, I wrote: “Anyone wanna bet they’ll file another motion to reconsider?”
Yesterday Paul Kendall and his legal beagle Susan Baker Gray filed an appeal.
Planning Ahead HoCoLocally
13 hours ago
And why shouldn't they? Judge Motz sidestepped the constitutional issue and threw it back to the state court.
We're lucky to have citizens who volunteer their time to protect OUR rights.
It's outrageous for government officials to think they can thwart the will of voters by pulling a legal technicality out of their hat. Their audacity is appalling.
There's bipartisan dissatisfaction with the heavy handed tactics being used to disenfranchise voters. Whether it's Kendall/Gray in federal court or last week's state court proceedings, the Board of Elections' decision to reject more than 85% of the petition signatures will be overturned.
Absolutely, Steve. Too few realize how devastating the BoE decision will be when placed into practice permanently.
Can't wait until next year's election campaign to get some of these politicians to answer questions about their position on voter rights.
Other than Ed Kasemeyer, the other county council and state delegation members sat on their hands.
I hear that some of the county and state challengers are already making statements in support of the right to referendum.
There's a lot of dead wood ready to get washed out with the tide.
True Kathy. So true.
Look, people, below are current vacancies for county boards and commissions. We obviously need some sensible people to apply considering the compensation committee just voted to give our officials pay raises:
Current Openings
Adult Public Guardianship Review Board
special requirements: 1 Physician, 1 Non-profit Organization Rep., 1 Profession Rep. in field of disabilities, 1 Member with disabilities, 1 Psychiatrist, 1 Public Health Nurse
Aging, Commission on
special requirements: 2 Under 50
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Board
special requirements: 4 General Public, 1 High School Rep.
Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board
special requirements: 2 General Public, 1 Religious Community Rep.
Disability Issues, Commission on
special requirements: 2 Disability Members, 3 General Public
Equal Business Opportunity Commission
special requirements: 2 MInority Business Members
Ethics Commission
special requirements: 1 General Public
Health, Board of
special requirements: 1 General Public
Historic District Commission
special requirements: 1 General Public
Housing Commission
special requirements: 1 General Public
Housing and Community Development Board
special requirements: 1 General Public
Mental Health Authority
special requirements: 1 Consumer Member, 1 Family Member
Plumbing Advisory Board
special requirements: 1 General Public
Social Services, Board of
special requirements: 1 General Public
Women, Commission for
special requirements: 1 General Public
To all:
I'll post on this petition thing in more detail this weekend.
Free speech isn't free. Freedom comes with responsibility. Without that nobody would defend it and anarchy would prevail.
Responsibility begins and ends with government honoring the WILL of the people, rather than trying to subvert it.
"Responsibility begins and ends with government honoring the WILL of the people..."
Which people?
NIMBY's or developers?
The majority... whoever they are, when they prevail at the polls.
Yeah.... like the vested interests in this county will ever let that referendum get to the voters.
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