The stars of last nights public hearing on the legislation for
General Growths redevelopment plans for
Columbia Town Center were Karen Berry, Melody Sahar-Khiz, and Sarah Sahar-Khiz. These three young women were testifying on behalf of the
Wilde Lake High School Environmental Club. They testified that they believe that the plan put forward by GGP will help restore vital wetlands in Town Center among other “
green” benefits. They asked the council to vote for CB 58 and CB 59.
I realize that some cynics will claim that some
evil real estate person put them up to this but it is my understanding that they did this on their own initiative. The stated goal of the WLHS Environmental Club is to make their “school community aware of the importance of conserving and preserving our natural resources and environment.”
It's great to see young people getting involved in this process...hopefully when the get their doctorates in environmental science or some such discipline they'll really have say!
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