As I mentioned in a previous post, I have been hoping to run into a TAG petition gatherer in my daily travels around Columbia. An anonymous commenter in this post wrote that TAG would be gathering signatures at the Rita’s in the Harper’s Choice Village Center “2-6 PM every day starting tomorrow through Wednesday March 31st.”
Yesterday, around 2:30 PM, I found myself on that side of town so I decided to drop by and check it out.
There was nobody there.
Book It
21 hours ago
That picture really bummed me out.
I just ran into one of the petition gatherers outside of the Rita's at Harpers Choice. I had to get a brownie misto on such a beautiful day. The lady I ran into could not have been more pleasant. For a second there I actually thought about signing the petition. I believe her name was Mary, like me a school teacher, which probably explains the positive attitude. She told me that they keep running into people who have already signed the petition.
My roommate was at Rita's the other day (we live near Harper's Choice village center) and she got suckered into signing! I chastised her appropriately and now consider her officially schooled.
If it means anything at this point,if a person signs a petition and then gets "petition regret," it's simple enough to remove the signature. All they need to do is to contact the Board of Elections and make the request in writing.
Joey, tell your roommate to send a letter to the Board of Elections asking to be taken off. She's got to do it tomorrow but it only needs to be 1 sentence.
There was a petitioner outside of the Hickory Ridge Giant this evening. I don't know if they were a TAG member or not, but just so you know...
Call out the national guard, someone is using democracy!
Get a grip people. Get a freakin grip.
For every picture of vacant walkways I have 10 of parking lot-like traffic in Howard County.
Quit the boo hooing. People are here aplenty, they just don't go to those locations in Columbia. Check out old Ellicott City this weekend and then talk to me. And Old EC doesn't have anywhere near the density already in Columbia, so density isn't going to solve anything.
Density alone doesn't solve anything. Density is the result of having a reason to be somewhere. Right now, that "somewhere" is sadly lacking.
Good news! The TAG petitioners submitted over 3500 signatures today!
I also heard that TAG presented 3,500 signatures today. Assuming they all count, that's 2% of the registered voters. Too bad they needed to lie to people to get them (GGP not contributing to infrastructure and 5,500 new units all at once!). We'll see if they can get another 2,500 in the next 30 days and finally give this the county-wide vote it deserves. The legislation will stand 2-1 and we'll finally be able to move on with the mandate that came out of the actual legislative process.
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