I will be the first to admit that District 5 is the least familiar turf of HoCo for me. Even though Mama Wordbones was a longtime resident of District 5 before we moved to Ellicott City six years ago, what I mostly knew of the western part of the county I learned from the seat of a road bike from Sunday morning rides the rural roads of the west.
That being said, HoCo is a small county and I suppose I still know the rural west better than many east countians.
For the past four years this district has been represented by Greg Fox, the lone Republican on the county council. Despite being the lone opposition party member, Greg has had an outsized influence on county issues. He fought hard to insure that commercial development the Columbia Town Center redevelopment legislation kept pace with residential development. Greg understands the importance of those ratios in maintaining the county’s high bond rating. Commercial development helps keep the bond rating high because commercial properties don’t demand the same services as residential properties. and typically pay for more than they get back.
Despite being outnumbered, Greg has shown he knows how to work with his Democratic colleagues on the council to best serve the interests of the residents of his district and HoCo in general. It can’t be easy being the odd man out but for the most part Greg has found a way to be more than just a voice of opposition.
The Democratic challenger for the District 5 seat is a newcomer to loco politics and so far has demonstrated that she really doesn’t understand the role and functions of the council much less the important issues in her district. I applaud Dr. Beams for getting involved but maybe she should have started her loco political career in the farm league like the school board. She’s just not ready for primetime.
For the District 5 council seat I support Greg Fox for reelection.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
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