While on one hand anything that brings even modicum of life after dark to Town Center is welcome, a pub in this location only further points up the deficiencies in the current Town Center layout. Patrons of this restaurant are most likely to park in the surface parking lot across the street from the office building. Crossing over to restaurant requires navigating a crosswalk that runs across a main entry point into the mall and traffic coming from three directions. It is not exactly a pedestrian friendly environment.
On the other hand I suppose it could be a good sobriety test. If you can make it back to your car without getting hit, you’re probably sober enough to drive.
By the way, don’t bother going to the website listed on the banner. It isn’t active yet.
Sea Galley - Ahh the memories...
I usually park in the parking garage at 20 corporate center and walk over through the parking lot and sidewalks. The Wachovia drive through there drives me crazy! It pretty much says: you pedestrians squish up against the building, we need all this space in front for cars!
Wasn't The American Cafe in that space previously - early 1990s?
Why can't we have old pubs? Why is the nature of the pub business in Columbia so transient? When I lived in England, my favorite pub was founded in 1555, and was still going strong. They even had kareoke, and survived that trend.
Why is it that a pub in Columbia can't survive more than a few years?
Anon 7:49,
Yes, the American Cafe occupied the space after Sea Galley.
Which was preceded by the "Family Fish House".
I don't blame the location of this restaurant for its failures. I blame the establishments themselves. American Cafe and That's Amore stunk in terms of food, value and service. Just because you open an eatery by the mall doesn't mean you can suck too and people will come.
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