The going price for the county executive race is roughly a million bucks. Raising that kind of money requires a marquee name and political capital as well. These are two things that Trent certainly has. Assuming that she can raise the money she likely could give Ken a real contest.
“Kittleman, 64, of West Friendship, is a lawyer and former congressional staffer who served as both deputy transportation secretary under Governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr, a Republican, and later as president and CEO of the Maryland Transportation Authority, leaving office after Ehrlich's 2006 defeat.”
She’s hip to the brave new world of social networking too. Unlike Bob Flannagan who is challenging Courtney Watson for the District 1 council seat, Trent is already on Facebook.
But does she twitter?
She's got my vote! I'll bet you she never exaggerated her CV or squandered millions in county funds on a bust of a Healthy Howard initiative.
Of course, Ulman has his father's connections and money which helped him get elected in the first place (by only 50 votes, despite spending a record amount of money).
It'll be hard to compete with a former "Secretary of the Cabinet" and "Clinton White House Staffer" and "Director, Board of Public Works"
Run Trent Run!
I was wondering how long it would take for this to finally get out since it has been a rumor I've been hearing for close to a month....
Anon 3:04, WTH are you talking about? Merdon lost big time for someone who spent a million dollars compared to Ulman's 1.3. It was a bad year for R's.
50 votes my arse
I think anon 3:04 was referring to Ulman's razor thin victory over Mary Kay Sigaty for County Council back in the day.
Anyone who lies on his resume should not be elected, nevermind reelected.
Mary Kay Sigaty was so much more qualified, but got outspent. At least she got on the council later on.
Yes, suffice it to say that Sigaty has learned her lesson. She wasn't in office 10 minutes before doing a 180.
Anyone have any biographical information on Mr. Ulman? I'm curious, as an out of stater, as to his pedigree, education, and youthful activities.
Just curious.
To Bob O:
If you are looking for biographical information, be careful! Ulman got elected by claiming he held all of these lofty titles. As soon as Ulman got elected, he removed his old bio from his webpage. You can look at the google cache for historical info.
He also has had about 10 jobs, despite being only 35. It gives the impression of vast experience, but do the math to figure out how long he spent at each job.
Ulman's father was a Dem bigwig who got Ulman his first legal job, first political job and helped him get the $$$ to win an election.
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