When we started doing our podcasts almost a year ago, we knew we would eventually invite the county executive to join us. Paul and I also thought it might be best to wait until we had a few shows under our belt and were more comfortable with each other.
After twenty some shows it was time to have the big guy on.
Considering that we were a mere twenty five days away from the general election I found Ken to reasonably candid with us. We discussed the potential fallout from the Court of Appeals ruling on the MoCo ambulance fee referendum, Healthy Howard, the funeral home dust up in Clarksville, the future of Belmont, the recent Gonzales poll on the executive race, and the new broadband initiative.
Our short segment featured John McCoy, the newly hired watershed manager for the Columbia Association. In addition to working with Columbia's open space, John is also developing landscaping programs for individual homeowners in Columbia to reduce impervious surfaces and improve storm water runoff.
You can download the 25th episode of "and then there's that..." here.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
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