He’ll have to do a few more of these events to catch up with another Dem who has eyes on the governor’s mansion, Doug Gansler. According to the last campaign funding reports Ken has $439,668.00 in his campaign war chest while Gansler had $2,905,529.00.
Peter Franchot, the state comptroller has also been waging an unannounced campaign for the states top job, He reports having $515,458.00 in the campaign kitty. The Lt. Guv, Anthony Brown is at the back of money pack with only $126,300.00.
Of course, 2014 is still a long way away. There could yet be another fresh face on the Maryland political scene and there is still time for someone to start from scratch. In the meantime, these front four will continue to build their respective bank balances and take advantage of an getting an early start, even without any “official” announcement.