Thursday, November 03, 2011

HoCo Library by the Numbers

The HoCo library system has the highest number of items borrowed per capita than any other system in the state. According to their latest annual report, of the 6,971,086 items borrowed over the past year, 40% were fiction, 38% non-fiction, 19% non-print (presumably videos and such), and 3% “e-resources.”

I suspect that e-resource number to climb next year. The library’s annual report also reports that virtual visits outnumbered physical visits by almost two to one.

Almost everyone in HoCo has a library card too. The system currently has 262,302 cardholders. According to 2010 census, the population of HoCo is 287,085 which indicates to me that the library likely touches more HoCo citizens than any other loco government service, including the school system.

The annual operating budget of just over $18 million is 84% funded by the county, 12% from the State and various grants and 4% from library generated revenue, which presumably includes those late fees I always end up paying.
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