Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scene This Week In...

As I was leaving the main public parking lot in Ellicott City I noticed this unusual trash can. A closer inspection revealed that it had two separate openings, one for bottles and can and the other for waste. I’m not sure how long these new recycling trash receptacles have been deployed in the old town but I like the idea. I wonder why I don’t see more of these around.

In Columbia, Freemarket gave me a heads up that the mailbox in front of the American City Building had returned. I have to admit that I was surprised by this. After it was removed for “repairs” back in May, Brigid Schulte wrote this story in The Washington Post about how mailboxes are slowly disappearing around the country.

“In the past 20 years, 200,000 mailboxes have vanished from city streets, rural routes and suburban neighborhoods -- more than the 175,000 that remain. In the Washington area alone, half the blue boxes that were on the streets nine years ago have been pulled up and taken to warehouses to molt in storage or be sold for scrap, leaving 4,071 mailboxes remaining in the District, Northern Virginia and the Maryland suburbs.”

For now at least, this town center mailbox has been spared. Welcome back.