What’s not to like about this explosion of color which heralds in our Howard County spring?
They are not a tree for the long haul. According to this article by Deb Magnes on the Dave’s Garden website;
“They split easily, they grow suckers, and they have a very shallow root system. As they grow taller, much stress is put on the lower and larger joints of the tree, which invariably causes splitting. The suckers grow almost as fast as the grass around them, and cannot be mowed without damaging a typical lawn mower. It is difficult to plant anything around them except grass, because when digging the holes for new plants a shallow root can be struck with every other hole. There are very few of these that make it to 30 years old without splitting. The split trees are beginning to line our street, a few at a time. Adding one more element to their negative proclivities. That is, the hazard of falling on something or someone.”
Glad you posted on this, Dennis. I've noticed in the last couple of years that the Bradford Pear, once something I considered rather attractive, has become quite annoying. They're also an aggressive, invasive non-native tree in the Eastern U.S. Just take a look down any highway in the area this time of year. All those pretty white tree buds? Invasives.
JessieX said it right. They're basically the Kudzu of trees. Invasive as hell. I'd say that anyone who has one in their yard should chop it down, but it would just be a drop in the bucket.
I also saw one split this past Sunday on Sonya Trail in EC, messing up a parked car pretty bad.
Yeh, let's get rid of any non-native tree including the Japanese Cherry trees in DC. I'm all for oak, pine and poplar trees.
Those Bradford's sure are beautiful though. Maybe we should cut them all down in the summer and regraft them in late winter so they can bloom in the spring.
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