Actually I’ve needed a new book since late August when I finished “Polk: The Man Who Transformed the Presidency and America,” by Walter R. Borneman. James K. Polk. presided over the largest territorial expansion of the United States. He was nominated at the Democratic convention in Baltimore.
Now I am in search of another book. Today I saved the book sections of The New York Times and The Washington Post. I haven’t had time peruse them yet though.
My morning started with a supply run. First stop was Costco in Gateway Overlook. At 11:15 AM the lot was packed and the store was jammed. I asked one of the checkout ladies if this was an unusually large crowd for a Sunday and she confirmed that it was. Costco is one of those retailers that benefit from the current constriction in consumer spending.
As I headed for my next stop, the Giant at Lynwood, I lamented the lack of a Harris Teeter that was closer to home. I’m trapped between a Giant and a Safeway.
I suspect that Harris Teeter is angling to open a store at Turf Valley. According to this story by Derek Simmonsen in the Columbia Flier this week, Mangione Family Enterprises, the master developer of Turf Valley and Greenberg Gibbons Commercial are seeking a “major” zoning change that will allow it to expand the permitted size of a food store within a “Planned Golf Course Community” from 18,000 square feet to 55,000 square feet, the average size of a new Harris Teeter.
Turf Valley is the only development in Howard County that has this zoning.
It still wouldn’t put a Harris Teeter store any closer to me but I’ll bet the folks on that side of Ellicott City would like it. At least some would anyway. The owners of the Waverly Woods Shopping Center have already voiced their concern. They are worried that a new grocery store, especially a Harris Teeter grocery store would put their Weiss Markets out of business.
If I were Weiss Markets I’d be worried too, very worried.
There will be a public hearing on this proposed zoning change tomorrow night.
I really enjoyed "The Drillmaster of Valley Forge: The Baron de Steuben and the Making of the American Army" by Paul Douglas Lockhart.
Steuben was a very good soldier, and a superb trainer. His role in the continental army was much more controversial than I realized.
If you are up for more presidential history, I would recommend "Team of Rivals". It is a must read.
I also recommend "Team of Rivals"
Tom, fm,
Thanks for the recommendations. I've already read a great deal about Lincoln and his administration so I think I'll try out the "Drillmaster of Valley Forge."
I'm so late to the game just finding this blog now and happily reading that Harris Teeter may be considering a Turf Valley location. I sometimes drive out of my way to go to the Columbia location or even up to Hunt Valley for Wegmans. Weis Market should be worried. That store is just awful. That place is an absolute last resort for me and I am always disappointed and aggravated each time I leave that place.
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