Monday, April 29, 2013

Funny Numbers

David Gertler should be on the school board. He is funny, smart and has a passion for mathematics yet twice now HoCo voters have chosen lesser candidates over him. As far as I’m concerned it’s a loss for our students.

Then again, we really haven’t lost him. Despite his electoral loss, David has remained engaged with the system by organizing the first countywide STEM Festival to be held Sunday, June 9th at HCC.

He also does stand up comedy which distinguishes him from your stereotypical math geek.

David was one of those guests we felt we could jump right in with since he’s pretty well versed in HoCo issues. In fact, our freewheeling chat about HoCo loco stories almost didn't leave us enough time to talk about his upcoming festival.

We had plenty of news items to fill the show, particularly on the political front with the announced retirements of Senator Jim Robey and delegates Jim Malone and Steve DeBoy and Ken Ulmans budget.

You can listen to 88th episode of “and then there’s that…” here.
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