Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Secret Service Neighbors

The press coverage of sex scandal involving members of the US Secret Service is right up there with the media frenzy surrounding the shooting of Trayvon Martin. Unless you knew better, you might think that the USSS is made up of a bunch of drunken cowboys.

That’s not what I’ve found. In my many years in HoCo I’ve come to know a few members of the Secret Service as neighbors. Just like many us, they were attracted to HoCo by the great schools, open space and our proximity to Washington, DC. As an added attraction, HoCo is also close to the Secret Service training center in Beltsville.

The Secret Service agents I’ve come to know are dedicated professionals who take their families, their communities and their jobs very seriously. I consider myself fortunate to have them as neighbors.

There are over 4,000 sworn members of the Secret Service. So far, twelve have been implicated in the scandal. The questionable judgment of so few individuals should not be allowed to tarnish the reputations of so many.