Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bye, Bye Bridget?

This past weekend as I was informed from two separate sources that the land plan video produced by the Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning is going to be edited. The editing will result in the removal of the minute long piece featuring Bridget Mugane, the president of the Howard County Citizens Association. Her appearance in this video was the subject of two previous posts (How Did This Happen and How Did This Happen Follow Up) and my column in last months Business Monthly. Apparently Kim Flowers, the Deputy Director of Planning & Zoning announced shortly become the Business Monthly hit the streets that the video will be modified.

The question of course is when. For now, Ms Mugane still appears five minutes into the video. A friend of mine whose husband works for the county commented, “It's government. Probably only take another 6-9 months to change that minute!”

Stay tuned.