Thursday, March 29, 2012

Same Party New Place

Another sure sign of spring arrived in my mailbox today, an invitation to the 30th Annual Columbia Foundation Spring Party. If there was one party that could truly be called HoCo’s party, this would be it. Over the years I have run into people at this party that I never see at any other time of the year, both business and personal.

It can almost be overwhelming. Paul Skalny even developed the three minute strategy to help insure that he connects with as many people as possible in less than three hours. If you are someone he sees regularly, he’ll try and limit his time with you to three minutes. Others get a bit more time.

By my second glass of wine maintaining that kind of discipline is soon forgotten.

It will be a little weird this year though. For the first time in thirty years the party will not be held in the Spear Center at the lakefront. The new venue is the Horowitz Center  at HCC which is a pretty nice facility too, though I’ll miss standing out on the terrace during the party.

Then again in recent years many were forced out on the terraces because it was got a little uncomfortable in the main room. The HVAC system in the former Rouse HQ is living on borrowed time after years of bare minimum maintenance.

In any event, the place is second to the people and I suspect most who have attended before will return again, no matter where it is held. Hopefully some new faces will show up as well. The date is Tuesday, May 15th from 5:45 to 830 PM and the cost is $75.00 per person. You can find more info here.

And speaking of parties… last night I attended Courtney Watson's spring fundraiser at the Shanty Grille. My HoCo loco blogging colleagues, TC and Marshmallow Man, have already given fairly good recaps of the evening. The only thing I’ll add was the notable absence of other loco politico’s. No other council members attended and Guy Guzzone was the only state house politico who showed up. I think he just wanted to keep on eye on what she was up to and who was supporting her.

He shouldn’t read too much into that...right now anyway.
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