Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rain Relief

I love spring. It is by far my favorite season of the year. Unfortunately, spring doesn’t always show me the love back, thanks to my allergies. I sneezed and coughed so much yesterday that by the end of the day I was exhausted.

I needed a better plan for today.

I first considered taking the holistic approach which was outlined in this story by Carolyn Butler in The Washington Post.  Deirdre Orceyre, a naturopathic physician claims that there are “non-pharmaceutical options, from preventative measures to acute symptom relief: You definitely don’t have to be limited to your Claritin or Zyrtec.”

Some of the suggestions were to shower and change clothes every time you enter your house, postpone outdoor activity until after noon, wash bed linens at least once a week in 130 water, wear a mask, reduce stress and so on. You get the idea.

I decided to go with Zyrtec and a nasal spray. I refuse to hole myself up inside and wait for the pollen count to drop. I will not surrender to the season.

Fortunately, this mornings rain washed some of the pollen away. I'm thankful for these April showers
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