Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Snow…For Some

By the time we ventured down the hill to Main Street this morning, the HoCo roads were relatively clear. Last night one of CG friends left their car downtown so this morning around ten we set out to retrieve it. At closing time last night the roads were a decidedly different proposition, especially for someone who had to drive to Mount Airy, so we ended up with an extra overnight guest.

On the way downtown we passed a family out shoveling their driveway. Mount Airy Girl (henceforth Mag) commented that it hardly seemed necessary to shovel. Before long it would all melt away on its own. I suggested that it was the novelty of the first snow to which she pointed out that it wasn’t the first. The first snow was in October.

It was more like a dusting around here than a snow. In Mount Airy apparently it was a different story.

Cleaning the cars off wasn’t as bad as it looked either. Fortunately the snow came before the ice, providing a buffer of sorts between the ice and the windshield. We had Mag on her way in no time.