Saturday, January 07, 2012

Big Tease

Unseasonably mild. That’s it in a nutshell. If you didn’t get out and enjoy at least part of the day you likely missed the best day of the month.

As Capital Weather Gang member Ian Livingston warned in this post, "Take it in, as this could be the warmest day for quite some time. We do still have a decent stretch of mild -- cooler than today -- temperatures coming up through much of the work week before the next cold shot heading toward the weekend. It certainly could be worse in the heart of winter!"

As I write this the conditions at Weather Station Wordbones are 62.5 degrees, humidity 45% and the barometric pressure is dropping.

Plenty of HoCo locos did take it in today. 

Teenagers in my neighborhood were out playing basketball in shorts. Everywhere I went today I saw people with jackets and sweaters wrapped around their waists. Ordinarily, a ten mile an hour wind on a January day would cause collars to be pulled up tight and hands stuffed in pockets. Not today. The only time I really took notice of the wind was when Peanut and I were out throwing a Frisbee.

It may have been a big tease of warmer days that seem long off from now but it was welcome all the same.
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