My last post seems to have raised the ire of one Cynthia Coyle. It seems that she has taken umbrage at blogger anonymity. In fact she has gone so far as to label the practice of blogger anonymity as cowardice.
I disagree.
Anonymity in public discourse is an honored tradition in this country. One need only look to the founding fathers of our country to understand this. The Federalist Papers, the 85 essays that successfully argued for the ratification of the Constitution of United States, were all written anonymously. Names such as "Publius" and "Cato" masked the true identities of Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. These writings may have been the most influential documents in the formation of our country. I would hardly characterize these gentlemen as cowards.
So why do I choose to blog anonymously?
There are a variety of reasons mostly personal. My opinions are my own and not a reflection of my family or my business. In the past people have taken potshots at others associated with me because of something I have said. I don't think that is fair.
That being said, I also do not take great lengths to hide my true identity. Others have easily discerned who Wordbones is. I am often seen about the county sporting a black ball cap with "wordbones" emblazoned on the front. As it stands, my blogger profile already offers more information about me than most local bloggers.
So why don't I just come out and say who I am?
Well for one, I would never do that just because someone like Cynthia Coyle doesn't like it. Personally I could care less whether she, or anyone else for that matter, takes offense with it. Someday I may publicly reveal myself but I will do so at the place and time of my own choosing.
How do you feel about blogger anonymity?
Saturday Sampler: Birthdays, Books, and Modern Band
10 hours ago
I am completely against it.
But seriously, there are many valid reasons for people to sometimes choose anonymity when participating in very public discourse. The sharing of ideas, good or bad, allows us all greater perspective on issues of the day. The merits of those ideas, good or bad, should best be judged, not by the holder of the pen, but by the content of those ideas.
Sure, one can look for motivations for why someone would state a certain position or idea, but isn't the position or idea itself far more important? Or is it just more expeditious for any of us to resort to impuning the messenger rather than the message?
Is it cowardice to choose anonymity at times to express those ideas? I would tend to label it more as cautiousness ("To be cautious is often to show wisdom.")
Wise people, when discussing sometimes controversial issues, carefully choose the time and the place, as the bell curve of human behavior abounds and, for some of the issues being discussed, there are very high personal and monetary stakes for some parties.
Your mention of the Federalist Papers' anonymity was enlightening.
Let us accept there are those who because of a lack of education and or poor character development will not understand the meaning or value of the word anonymous.
This is Jim Adams signing on as anonymous, just so I can cover all the bases.
I've found that by listing my email address in my profile.. i sometimes get an interesting comment or two not posted on the blog......
but agree anonymity is a good thing.
"– as they wander about much like white people blissfully unaware of their privilege and the power they wield."
Huh? Privilege and power?
I guess I didn't get that memo.
Who the hell are you talking about?
Seldom Seen Smith:
Thank you for sharing your insight. I think you hit the nail square on the head.
I pledge allegiance to Seldom Seen Smith...
yay seldom seen! you nailed it!
I don't see any compelling reason to post a blog anonymously. As a former journalist, candidate for public office and now a blogger, I don't feel I have to hide my identity. If one believes in what he or she is saying, one should come out publicly. I think there is cowardice involved.
Those who run for or hold public office lay themselves out for all to see--warts and all, and I don't think it is fair when anonymous bloggers use their pulpit--one which is free and takes nowhere near the commitment or risk or determination, to spread their opinions-whether done responsibly or irresponsibly. Hey-if there is some fear involved, tell us what it is! We are not a police state--yet. This is not Soviet Russia or North Korea. Enjoy the power and freedom afforded to us! Don't shirk away from it. People have risked their lives for freedom of speech in authoritarian regimes and these bloggers sit comfortably with their anonymity and then defend it saying they need to be cautious?
Your situation here is that of running a blog anonymously and getting a complaint from a person who identifies herself. I have the exact opposite issue with my blog. Now that's cowardice! I put my name out there and these cockroaches insult me without letting anyone know they are.
If you label this anonymity as being cautious, I must again ask--of what are you afraid?
Does Bob Woodward have something to fear? Seymour Hersh? Al Franken? Or even blowhards such as Limbaugh and Coulter who elicit such hatred? They could not do what they do if they were anonymous and here we have small time bloggers thinking they have to be cautious?? And then, to liken themselves to the authors of the Federalist Papers is, well presumptuous. Thomas Paine, whose work had to be set in lead type and reprinted with ink and distributed by hand while a revolution was going on did not hide his identity. Sorry, but if it is not cowardice, is it fair to say it is just being cautious?
People who criticize anonymous bloggers are trying to avoid actually talking about the issues.
It is a time-honored tactic: attack the messenger.
When they don't know who the messenger is, they can't attack.
What do they do?
Attack the messenger for keeping his identity silent.
Honestly - what difference does it make who says something?
If you are judging a message based on the person who delivers it, then you are biased. You should be able to separate message and messenger.
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