Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sorry Dan

Matt and Dan
So today I dropped by Heavenly Hams in Dorsey Search Village Center to pick up my previously aforementioned turkey and ham and I run into Dave.

"Hey, did you check out my blog?"

"Yeah, it was great but you got my name wrong," he says as points to his Heavenly Ham nametag which very clearly says "Dan."

"Shit. I'm sorry. I'll fix it tonight."

Sorry about that Dan.

I gotta start writing this stuff down...


Anonymous said...

Not to nitpick, but it still says Dave on the right-hand side

wordbones said...

You are of course correct. Thank you for pointing that out.

It's fixed now.

By the way, Matt and Dan will now be forever enshrined in the Tales of Two Cities archives. This is only because I made the apology post. The Scene This Week photos are not archived but the posts are.

Just thought you might like to know.
