Tuesday, June 14, 2011
HoCo Builds a Bar
Instead of going to the office today I hooked up with a couple of buddies to play golf at The Timbers of Troy. We couldn’t have picked a better day.
Before we completed the turn for the back nine, we decided to grab some quick snacks in the clubhouse. That’s when I noticed the construction. The room in the clubhouse that was formerly used for private functions is being transformed into The Shady Oaks Grill Room by county workers.
Timbers is the only HoCo public golf course that is owned by the county so I guess it is only logical that any improvements to the building would be made by county workers. Still, it stuck me as somewhat strange to see the county building a bar instead of a private contractor. The course and clubhouse are operated under a management contract with Kemper Sports.
Not that I’m complaining mind you. This bar will be a welcome addition to the neighborhood. We were told that it is expected to open on June 23rd.
I'll give a full review of the county's bar building venture after it opens. Stay tuned.