Saturday, October 01, 2011

Mark Your Calendars

On October 10th we will host our 50th episode of “and then there’s that…” In celebration of this minor milestone in hyper loco podcasting, we have invited a few of our hyper loco media brethren to join us for a show about HoCo blogs. Tom Coale of HoCo Rising and Lindsey McPherson of Explore Howard will be on first with the rundown on the hottest HoCo loco news followed by a discussion of the changing landscape of loco news reporting.

Following the heavy stuff with Tom and Lindsey, HowChow will come on to talk about food, HoCo loco food that is. HowChow was our guest on show number 15 so we figured it was time to bring him back, especially with Thanksgiving right around the corner. No doubt he’ll have some exotic suggestions for putting a little pizzazz on your turkey day table.

And then we’ll have you on.

Well some of you anyway. For this 50th anniversary episode we’re taking the show out of The Mall and into a HoCo Blogtail party and, once we finish with Mr. HowChow, we’ll take the microphone walk around meeting and talking to you. That is of course presumes that you come to party and then actually want to talk to us.

It should be fun.

The details as to where this blogtail party will be held are still being working out by HoCo Hostess JessieX but the date is set, October 10th @ 5:30 PM. 

Mark your calendars and stay tuned.
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