Wednesday, February 02, 2011

And This Was the Warm Day!

Most of the people I encountered today made some remark about how warm it was, or was supposed to be anyway. In a post on his blog this morning Tom Coale wrote that he had just “heard Marty Bass say the temperatures may get up to 50 degrees today!  That would be a pleasant surprise (although the vast majority of us will be overheating under winter garb).”

I decided not to wear my wool overcoat.

On the radio while driving to work Storm Center 4 meteorologist Tom Kierein informed me that the temperature could climb into the “low fifties” today.

At the Starbucks on Dobbin Road the baristas Robert and Alex were almost giddy at the prospect of a warmer day.

At work my colleague Bill Harrison remarked that it was nice outside.

I beg to differ with all of them. It was still cold in my book. In fact, I don’t think it got any warmer than 45 today.

I realize that some of this weather optimism is based on the fact that we seemingly dodged the Groundhog Day blizzard that hit over a third of the country. Compared to Chicago it was downright balmy in HoCo…for some anyway, not for me.

You see I’ve forgotten what  a 50 degree day feels like. I yearn for a complete day of sunshine. I’m rooting for Punxsutawney Phil, not Maryland Murray.

Tonight, while making dinner, Tom Tasselmyer on WBAL gave me no hope for any immediate relief from winters chill. The next seven days are going to be a mix of cold and wet.

And so this was the warm day and it looks like I missed it .
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