Monday, December 21, 2009

Columbia Blizzard Pix

Sarah must have read my post this morning in which I lamented the fact that I didn’t get any blizzard pictures from Columbia readers of Tales of Two Cities.

She sent along a few shots from her new home in the Village of Owen Brown and had some nice things to say about the Columbia Association.

“Surprisingly, and wonderfully, the Columbia Association had plowed the trailways mid-storm, so we walked to Giant around 3:30 pm on Saturday. Our street hadn't even been plowed at this point in time (oh, okay, they did plow it Friday night sometime, but you couldn't tell), but the trails were-- glad to pay my CPRA fees!”

Like all of us, Sarah spent part of her Sunday digging out. Since she is new to this neighborhood the Blizzard of Aught Nine had a hidden benefit.

“We dug out Sunday morning along with most of our neighbors, which was a great introduction to many of them.”


  1. I had put a few up of our neighborhood in Columbia yesterday as well.
