Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Ellicott City is a good place to get in the mood for Halloween. The old mill town has its share of spirits both old and new. After grabbing a cup of coffee this afternoon I made a quick spin around town with my camera to try and capture some of that vibe.
My first stop was the former Jordan’s restaurant on Main Street. If you look through the windows you’ll see the tables set for dinner even though the restaurant has been closed for over two months now. That was a little creepy.
Up along the railroad tracks I spotted this abandoned house. As I was taking pictures of it a train approached. The squeal of the train along the rails sent a chill through my bones.

Then of course there is the former St. Marys College. No doubt some brave souls will venture on to these grounds when darkness falls this evening.

Happy Halloween!


  1. What happened to the post about Owen Brown?

  2. Yeah, what happened to the post about "Owen Brown?"

  3. You slimed Owen Brown, and then instead of making a correction, you deleted the post.

  4. Great photo of Jordan's, I like how the reflection in the glass actually makes it LOOK like there are Ghosts of Martinis Past in there. Highly ironic.

    I, too, however, am wondering about the "the post about Owen Brown." I didn't see it, but I think you have to do something about it.

  5. Yeah, what's up with just deleting the post rather than saying ooops?

  6. Here is the start of the deleted post:
    Oct 31, 2009 ... First it was the news that three twelve year old boys were charged with tot lot arson in Owen Brown. Today we get news that 50 cars had ... - 14 hours ago

    The post went on to attribute the tire slashing in Clemens Crossing to Owen Brown. Neither of these incidents occurred in Owen Brown.

  7. The time has come to "write the wrong."

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