Sunday, September 27, 2009

Feeling Festive in the Mill Town

The Ellicott City Fall Festival fared better than the Booty ride yesterday. The rains held off long enough to draw a sizeable crowd to the county seat for a picture perfect “autumnal” day.
Throughout the town there was stuff going on. I dropped by the beer garden in Tiber Alley and caught a little of Yvonne’s Wild Spirits performance. I ran into my buddy Haywood enjoying an outdoor libation.
Further up the street I caught a brief performance by the Crescendo String Ensemble along the banks of the Tiber River across the Howard County Tourism Office.
This year’s festival was a big improvement over last year. Last year the rain and the economy put a real damper on things. When the rain arrived in the late afternoon I sought refuge in the Pure Wine CafĂ© with some friends.
It was a perfect way to wrap up the festival.


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