Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Santastic In Poinsettia Tree Out

click to enlarge
With all of the hoopla surrounding the new “Santastic” attraction at The Mall In Columbia you may not have noticed that something is conspicuously missing this year, the poinsettia tree. The 22 foot poinsettia tree graced the center court fountain of the mall every year since the mall opened in 1971. My favorite columnist wrote this about it five years ago.

After a thirty six year run, the poinsettia tree has now been replaced by trucks parked in the fountain. I for one, lament this loss of a Columbia holiday tradition.


  1. Eeeww. Yuck. (On the cars winning over the poinsettia tree.)Thanks for the photos and reporting, though.

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  3. All the advertising in the mall sucks. The cars are bad enough, but do we need sponsors for the escalators? Do we really need banners hanging every 10 feet?

    I was wondering where the pointsettia tree is. Are we certain that it won't be coming this year? Is there confirmation from GGP?

    And hey, where did the fountain near Woodies' go? They took it out in favor of a craptastic playground. Will the fountain be recycled?

  4. You know, when I was there the other day taking pictures of the Santastic section, I thought to myself that the tree was always at that spot, but since I rarely go to the Mall these days, I couldn't be sure. I just figured it was in the other wing of the Mall.

    I guess I was right...selling cars is now more important than the poinsettia tree....

  5. I've got no problem with the cars or the advertising in general (c'mon, it's consumer central already), but I definitely WILL miss the poinsetta tree.

    I guess I have to write a note to GGP now...

  6. I haven't lived in Columbia in 20 years, but I visit my family every December for the holidays. With airport security and luggage "handling" being so out of control these past few years, I've saved most of my present shopping for the Columbia Mall. Seeing the picture of the tree replaced by SUVs nauseated me. (Pssst, hey Columbia, it's time you caught up with the rest of the country. Try a nice hybrid car.)
    I will be boycotting the Columbia Mall this Christmas. If store owners want my business next December, they should make sure mall management puts that tree back.
